Travis Pritchard, Dylan Edwards join growing environmental organization
SAN DIEGO, July 15, 2010- San Diego Coastkeeper, the region’s leading environmental nonprofit protecting inland and coastal waters, welcomes Travis Pritchard as its Water Quality Lab Coordinator and Dylan Edwards as its Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator. For nearly a decade, Pritchard has worked on water quality issues, greenhouse gas monitoring and pesticide runoff reduction. And Edwards brings several years experience in uniting communities in environmental stewardship and restoration.
“Both our volunteer program and the Water Quality Monitoring lab are building blocks in our organization,” said Coastkeeper Executive Director Bruce Reznik. “We need talented individuals like Travis and Dylan to lead these programs and help us accomplish our growing mission to protect San Diego’s inland and coastal waters.”
Pritchard has utilized his extensive experience as a staff scientist, laboratory assistant and junior specialist to manage field instrumentation, collect data and manage quality control. Prior to Coastkeeper, Mr. Pritchard was the president of Solar Community Housing Association, a non-profit organization that owns and operates two housing co-ops in Davis, Calif. Additionally, he was the quality assurance and control manager for Willow Slough Watershed Study, where he ensured data collected was comparable with the surface water ambient monitoring program. For nine years, Mr. Pritchard has worked on watershed quality issues, resources and sustainability.
And Edwards brings several years experience working with environmental nonprofits and uniting the community in environmental stewardship. Before Coastkeeper, Edwards worked with Ocean Discovery Institute coordinating its Watershed Avengers program, a volunteer-based, environmental restoration program in the urban canyons of City Heights. And, in conjunction with Scripps Institute of Oceanography, he also developed and led an ecology research program in Bahia de los Angeles in Baja California, Mexico. He is a graduate from San Diego State University and is currently pursuing his master of arts from Prescott College.
Founded in 1995, San Diego Coastkeeper protects the region’s bays, beaches, watersheds and ocean for the people and wildlife that depend on them. We balance community outreach, education, and advocacy to promote stewardship of clean water and a healthy coastal ecosystem. Learn more at localhost/sdcoastkeeper.