Every business and every worker in San Diego needs a clean, realiable water supply to thrive. That’s why we take our corporate sponsorships very seriously. If you’re looking to integrate your brand into an environmental event or find a local cause to rally with, we’ve got creative ideas, myriad opportunities and responsive followers. Learn more about sponsoring San Diego Coastkeeper.
We email twice a month with our latest news, upcoming events and important volunteer opportunities. Join our following by signing up for our email news.
We heart our volunteers, who keep us motivated and expand our capacity to protect and restore fishable, swimmable, drinkable waters in San Diego County. Let us know how you’d like to volunteer.
Expand your scholastic experience or challenge your professional side with an internship in the environmental field. From water quality monitoring and beach cleanups to communciations and development, we have internships available for all skill sets.
Until October 30, Jack Johnson will double up to $2,500 donated to San Diego Coastkeeper. Double your donation today.
It was a challenge, but we narrowed our list of accomplishments to these ten jaw-dropping environmental victories in San Diego County. We’ve got more wins on the horizon, so make sure you become a member to be a part of our successes.