It’s down to the wire. With days to go until the legislative deadline of August 31, we need to push HARD to get AB 1998 to the front of the agenda. If you haven’t already, please write AND call your senator to tell them you support Assembly Bill 1998 to rid the state of single-use plastic bags.
We all know that single-use bags are bad for our environment, but did you know that they are also bad for our California economy? Litter from single-use plastic items decreases tourist values and costs local governments and private businesses millions of dollars each year to cleanup. To stop the flow of debris from our hands to the sea, we need legislation such as AB 1998 that will affect the entire state. This bill will ban plastic single-use bags and require recycled paper bags be sold at supermarkets, retail pharmacies and convenience stores throughout California, thus pushing Californians towards the sustainable choice—REUSABLE BAGS!
Want to get more involved?
Help us get last minute supporters by forwarding this link to friends and neighbors, sending in a letter on behalf of your business or contacting Coastkeeper for more information.