Make Earth Day a family holiday with these environmental and fun activities:
2) Do your own beach cleanup. If you want to go right to action, bring your whole family together for your own beach cleanup. San Diego Coastkeeper has Beach Cleanup in a Box, a do-it-yourself program that will give you all the tools needed to organize your cleanup.
3) Plant a tree. Start appreciating nature and Earth directly through planting a small tree and taking care of it with the whole family. This rewarding and uniting family activity will be a reminder in your backyard of joy and nurture that our planet gives us.
4) Bike to local park/beach. Reduce emissions, enjoy fresh air and get exercise by biking to the local beach or park. Take the whole family with you and bond through the breeze!
5) Water activities. We are lucky to be so close to the ocean. Use it when you can! If the water is warm enough for you, get in for a swim. But if you are not as cold-blooded, try out kayaking and put one a wetsuit to try surfing.
6) Don’t forget to practice conserving energy together in your household. On Earth Day, try not to watch TV and get outside. Turn off computers completely and unplug unnecessary appliances. When leaving the room, turn the light off. Remind yourself and others how important it is to not only be aware of sustainability, but also practice it every day.