Tank that Leak: A Quick Fix to Save Water

“Fix A Leak Week” ended. I’m pretty sure that some of us still have a leak or two that can be fixed, though, and that will save thousands upon thousands of gallons of water. So, in the spirit of experiential learning and full transparency, I bring you: my toilet.

San Diego Coastkeeper offers free dye tabs to anyone that wants them, thanks to a special delivery from the San Diego County Water Authority’s conservation director. Here’s your step-by-step pictorial how to guide to using them, as performed in my house:

STEP 1: Open your dye tab packet. (Get it free from San Diego Coastkeeper, if you need it.)

Step 1: Open dye tabs









STEP 2: Remove the dye tab. Yes, it looks like a SweeTart. But it’s not, so don’t eat it.

Step 2: Extract the tablet









STEP 3: Drop one dye tab in the tank of your toilet.

Step 3: Drop it in!









STEP 4: Agitate the water. You could try hurling insults or tickling to agitate it, but I suggest swirling a long-handled something in the tank, instead.

Step 4: Stir it up!









STEP 5: Wait. Wait a few moments longer.

STEP 6: Observe the water in the bowl of your toilet. Yes, of course mine is always this clean. If the water is clear like this, congratulate yourself. It’s likely you don’t have any water leaking from your tank. You are #waterwise! Tweet, Instagram or Facebook about it.

Clean Bowl

STEP 6.1: If a trail of blue appears in your tank, or you walk away and come back to a Smurf colored bowl, get your work clothes on or your plumber’s phone number out. There seems to be water leaking from your tank to your bowl. You could be losing thousands of gallons of water a year! That’s a lot of water that we can’t afford to waste; and you’re paying for it every time you get a bill. So take care of it!

Step 6: Leaky tanks can be fixed!









Wondering what other leaks might be happening right under your roof? Check out Matt’s earlier blog about the trillion gallons lost every year to leaks and let us know how your fixes go! 

Bonus tip: San Diego County Water Authority provides a FREE irrigation survey. Around 60% of water use in San Diego County is outside the home and a tiny leak in your irrigation system can lose 6,300 gallons per MONTH! That’s like taking an extra shower every single day. Sign up at the WaterSmart website. It’s free. Go for it.